EID Bolus, EID Tags, chips and applicators, EZid, LLC
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The EZid rumen bolus has been developed to permanently identify ruminants with an ID bolus that lodges in the reticulum. The EZid bolus features ISO 134.2 kHz HDX (half duplex) electronics sealed within biocompatible ceramic. It is engineered to provide a sophisticated, tamper proof, yet economical method of employing radio frequency for permanent, positive and safe identification. The EZid bolus exemplifies superior performance, reliability and long term retention. We recommend the bolus when positive identification is important.

The EZid rumen bolus is administered with an appropriate sized balling gun. The bolus can be scanned and read by high performance ISO compliant readers comparable to the Avid Power Tracker VII handheld reader and Dual-Mode stationary reader.

Bolus advantages:

Long lasting, tamper proof and most secure RFID.

Greater than 99% retention rate.

Robust signal, error-free reading in less than half second.

Tested to 1 million reads.

No batteries to replace or moving parts to wear out.

ISO compliant. FDA approved.

Administer with balling gun.

Scan and read with high performance ISO compliant readers and scanners.

Cattle Ear Tags
Toll free 877-330-3943 or 970-351-7701
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Copyright 2012: EZid | Livestock Ear Tags | All rights reserved.
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About Our Products
Products Description

EID Rumen Bolus
EZid AVID Microchips and Readers
RFID EID Readers- Scanner
Avid MiniTracker Reader
Rumen Bolus
Microchips & Pit Tags
Official RFID tags
Hand held & industrial scanners/readers for livestock & fisheries
Bluetooth enabled MiniTracker readers for fast, accurate read.
Official lightweight tag with excellent read performance.
A tiny chip with an ID number implanted for permanent ID.
Permanent non-visible EID for cattle and sheep.