Avid MiniTracker| Avid Power Tracker| Scanner| Reader

AVID MiniTracker is a small, compact pocket sized hand held reader available in different models. It is designed for convenience and performance, providing the user with the ideal solution when portability and cost are important considerations. It operates on a standard 9 volt battery.  Ask about our Bluetooth© enabled MiniTracker PRO Euro livestock reader.

  • The AVID MiniTracker is available as MiniTracker Multi-tag reader that reads all 125kHz tags, including AVID encrypted, FECAVA and Euro code; or the MiniTracker PRO that reads all 125 kHz tags plus the 134.2 kHz (fdx-b) ISO tags.

  •  A1002 MiniTracker Multi-Tag Reader & Scanner reads all 125 kHz microchips.

  • A1034 MiniTracker Pro and Pro Euro Reader & Scanner reads all 125 kHz and 134.2 kHz (fdx-b) microchips & tags.

  • A1009 MiniTracker Avid only reader reads 125 kHz Avid encrypted microchip ONLY.

  • A1041 MiniTracker 21 " pole reader reads all 125 kHz and 134.2 kHz (fdx-b) microchips & tags.

Avid Power tracker series are portable, heavy duty, hand held readers. Power Trackers include RS-232 cable, NiMH rechargeable battery, battery recharger and Wedge software. 

  • A1003...Power Tracker II (reads Avid, FECAVA, Euro code).

  • A1018...Power Tracker III (reads Avid, FECAVA, Euro code) w/256K memory).

  • A1023...Power Tracker IV (reads Avid, FECAVA, Euro, Trovan code).

  • A1025...Power Tracker V (reads Avid, FECAVA, Euro, and ISO fdx-b) or ISO only.  Hexadecimal feature optional.

  • A1026...Power Tracker VI (reads Avid, FECAVA, Trovan and ISO fdx-b).

  • A1028...Power Tracker VII (reads all ISO complaint 134.2 kHz, fdx-b & hdx devices.

  • A1004...Power Tracker VIII (reads Avid, FECAVA, Euro, ISO fdx-b) w/256k memory.  Hexadecimal feature standard.

Industrial Stationary Reader (not pictured) 
Durable, water-resistant and when installed according to directions, capable of withstanding dirt and grime. This reader is excellent for research projects where the reader will be left on site to record pit tagged animals' movement. 

The Stationary Reader is capable of reading either Avid, FECAVA, Euro or ISO (FDX-B) transponders from multiple manufacturers. 

Reader is available with choice of 6", 12" or 24" circle antenna and optional memory module. 
Use with 110 power or with solar powered battery.

Cattle Ear Tags
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EZid AVID Microchips and Readers
MiniTracker pole reader
Avid Power Tracker
RFID EID Readers- Scanner
Avid MiniTracker Reader
Rumen Bolus
Microchips & Pit Tags
Official RFID tags
Hand held & industrial scanners/readers for livestock & fisheries
Bluetooth enabled MiniTracker readers for fast, accurate read.
Official lightweight tag with excellent read performance.
A tiny chip with an ID number implanted for permanent ID.
Permanent non-visible EID for cattle and sheep.

ISO Self-tuning Dual Mode reader (pictured on right)
Available with flat panel antenna and can be mounted in alleyway so animal's RFID device can be read as the animal passes. The number can be transmitted to computer, weight scale, or sort gate. Reader reads ISO compliant fdx and hdx devices, including EID ear tags, rumen bolus and microchips.
Avid MiniTracker
Currently on-line ordering is not available. Call or email to order.  [email protected] or 877-330-3943
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